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Saving Rates

Member Share Certificate Rates (includes IRA Certificates)*

Valid March 26, 2025 through April 1, 2025

Minimum Balance - $10,000 and over

  Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Yield*
6 Months 2.00% 2.01%
1 Year 4.00% 4.06%
2 Years 2.50% 2.52%
3 Years 2.72% 2.75%
5 Years 3.00% 3.03%


Minimum Balance - $400 to $9,999.99

  Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Yield*
6 Months 1.97% 1.98%
1 Year 4.00% 4.06%
2 Years 2.47% 2.49%
3 Years 2.72% 2.75%
5 Years 2.97% 3.00%

Money Market Shares

Valid through March - April 2025

 Amount Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield** Min. Balance 
$50,000 and over 0.65% 0.65% $50,000.00
$10,000 - $49,999.99 0.55% 0.55% $10,000.00
Base Rate 0.45% 0.45% $2,000.00

Health Savings Account

 Amount Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield** Min. Balance
$50,000 and over 0.65% 0.65% $50,000.00
$10,000 - $49,999.99 0.55% 0.55% $10,000.00
Base Rate 0.45% 0.45% $2,000.00

Share Draft

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance
0.05% 0.05% $2,000.00

Anticipated First Quarter 2025

Share Savings

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance
0.10% 0.10% $25.00

IRA Savings

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance
0.05% 0.05% $25.00

Christmas Club

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield*** Min. Balance
2.73% 2.75% $50.00

*There is a penalty for early withdrawal from a Certificate or IRA Certificate. If funds are taken out prior to maturity of a Certificate or IRA Certificate, there is a penalty of: 30 days – dividends forfeited if the Certificate matures in 365 days or less; 60 days – dividends forfeited if the Certificate matures in two years; and 90 days – dividends forfeited if the Certificate matures in three years or more.

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield

***Christmas Club: There is a $25 early withdrawal fee if funds are withdrawn prior to October 31

Interest and Dividend Rate Sheets, Brochures and Applications for specific services and products and Fee Schedules are available at any MVFCU office. MVFCU waives the fees of some services for senior citizens age 60 and over.

Business Savings Rates   

Business Share Certificate Rates

Valid March 26, 2025 through April 1, 2025

Minimum Balance - $10,000 and over

  Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 Months 2.00% 2.01%
1 Year 4.00% 4.06%
2 Years 2.50% 2.52%
3 Years 2.72% 2.75%
5 Years 3.00% 3.03%



Minimum Balance - $400 to $9,999.99

  Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 Months 1.97% 1.98%
1 Year 4.00% 4.06%
2 Years 2.47% 2.49%
3 Years 2.72% 2.75%
5 Years 2.97% 3.00%

Money Market Shares

Valid through March - April2025

 Amount Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance 
$50,000 and over 0.65% 0.65% $50,000.00
$10,000 - $49,999.99 0.55% 0.55% $10,000.00
Base Rate 0.45% 0.45% $2,000.00

Share Draft

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance
0.05% 0.05% $2,000.00

Anticipated First Quarter 2025

Share Savings

Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Min. Balance
0.10% 0.10% $25.00


Consumer Loan Rates   

  • Effective as of March 20, 2025
  • For more information, please contact us

Loan requests are usually answered within 24 hours of submitting your completed application.
We offer zero down for qualified members with medium to high credit quality ratings on most loan types.

Vehicle Loans

Loan Type Suggested Term Base Interest Rate* Terms and Conditions


New or Used Autos and  Street Motorcycles
$7,500 and over: 60 months 5.74%    2018 or newer   
$15,000 and over: 72 months 5.99%
$20,000 and over: 84 months 6.49%
$45,000 and over: 96 months 6.99%    2022 or newer   
Older Autos and Street Motorcycles (8 - 10 years old) Maximum $35,000
Year 2015 - 2017: 60 months
6.74% Vehicle inspection required

Classic Cars
Up to 60 months 8.00%  Minimum 20% down payment required 
72-144 months 10.25%


Airplanes, Boats, Motorhomes and Travel Trailers


Up to 60 months  7.40% Call MVFCU for Terms and Conditions
Motorhomes  –  older than 15 years are reviewed
for approval
 61-144 months 8.40%
 145-180 months 8.90%
Electric Bicycles, Motorcycles,
ATVs, Jet Skis, Snow Machines,
Slide in Campers, Riding Lawnmowers
Horse Trailers, Lawn Tractors
and Utility Trailers
$9,999 or below : 48 months 6.75% New or used Collateral 2018 and newer
$10,000 and over : 60 months 6.75%
$15,000 and over : 72 months 7.00%
$25,000 and over : 84 months 8.00%


Everyday Loans

Loan Type Suggested Term Base Interest Rate* Usual Down Payment Terms and Conditions
Personal Loan (unsecured) Maximum loan not to exceed $15,000
up to 60 Months 9.99% n/a  Reduce your rate by 0.25% when you enroll in auto transfer, payroll deduction, or ACH at closing
Personal Loan (unsecured) Maximum unsecured loan amount may be up to 200% of gross monthly income, loan amount not to exceed $20,000 up to 36 months 13.10% n/a Maximum unsecured loan amount may be up to 200% of gross monthly income, loan amount not to exceed $20,000
37-60 months 14.65% n/a
Line of Credit (unsecured)    11.90%  n/a Maximum unsecured loan amount may be up to 200% of gross monthly income, loan amount not to exceed $20,000
Credit Builder Not available on Money Market (20) account   Dividend Rate + 2.00% n/a Not available on Money Market (20) account 
VISA Secured Credit Card   16.75% n/a See More Information** 
VISA Classic Credit Card    Variable 11.75% - 14.75% n/a See More Information*** 


*The Base Interest Rate: is the lowest interest rate available at MVFCU. Your actual interest rate may be higher depending on your credit history. Each loan request is considered on an individual basis.

**VISA Secured More Information: As market conditions fluctuate, so does your interest rate. The rate is tied to a market prime plus a percentage (as low as prime +9%). Interest rates are the same for purchases and cash advances. You have 30 days to repay your balance for purchases before being charged a finance charge. No minimum finance charge, no per transaction fees, Cash Advance Fee $5.00 (per day a cash advance is made, not per advance), Late Payment Fee $15.00, cannot exceed the minimum payment due. An Annual Fee of $20 will be billed during the card's anniversary month.

***VISA Classic More Information: As market conditions fluctuate, so does your interest rate. The rate is tied to a market prime plus a percentage (as low as prime +4%). Interest rates are the same for purchases and cash advances. You have 30 days to repay your balance for purchases before being charged a finance charge. No minimum finance charge, no per transaction fees, Cash Advance Fee $5.00 (per day a cash advance is made, not per advance), Late Payment Fee $15.00, cannot exceed the minimum payment due.

Alaska Residential Real Estate Loan Rates

  • Effective as of March 28, 2025
  • For more information please contact us
  • APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Interest Rates are subject to change without notice and may vary based on your credit history, loan amount and/or property type. Actual APR on some loans may be higher based on loan amount and terms selected.

Owner Occupied First Deed of Trust: Single Family Residence

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate & Annual Percentage Rate
10 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
15 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
20 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
30 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates

Recreational Cabin: Primary Residence or a Second Home

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
15 years a 80%* 8.250% 8.567%
* Loan to Value limits subject to credit review to meet program requirements.

Owner Occupied Second Deed of Trust: Single Family Residence

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
Up to 10 years b 80% 10.000% 10.495%
Up to 15 years c 80% 10.500% 10.870%

Improved/ Un-improved Residential Land

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
10 years d 75% 8.250% 8.729%
15 years e 75% 8.250% 8.596%

Improved/ Un-improved Recreational Land

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
10 years f 70% 8.250% 8.729%
15 years g 70% 8.250% 8.596%

Improved/ Un-improved Remote Land

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
10 years h 60% 9.250% 9.738%

Home Equity Line First Deed of Trust

Maximum Loan amount $500,000, No Loan Origination Fee. Current Prime Rate: 7.500%

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Base Interest Rate Rate Floor Rate Ceiling
7 year draw 80% Prime + 0.25% 5.00% 15.00%

Home Equity Line Second Deed of Trust

Max Loan amount $300,000, No Loan Origination Fee. Current Prime Rate: 7.500%

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Base Interest Rate Rate Floor Rate Ceiling
7 year draw 80% Prime + 0.75% 5.00% 15.00%




Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $100,000 and a minimum credit score of 700.
The monthly payment in this example is $970.14, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $660.75, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $552.70, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 25% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $613.26, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 25% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $485.07, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 30% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $613.26, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 30% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $485.07, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 40% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $640.16, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Hawaii Residential Real Estate Loan Rates

  • Effective as of March 28, 2025
  • For more information please contact us
  • APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Interest Rates are subject to change without notice and may vary based on your credit history, loan amount and/or property type. Actual APR on some loans may be higher based on loan amount and terms selected.

Owner Occupied First Deed of Trust: Single Family Residence

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate & Annual Percentage Rate
10 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
15 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
20 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates
30 years 95% Please contact a Residential Loan Officer or call 907.745.9165 for current rates

Island Home

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
15 years a 80%* 8.250% 8.496%
* Loan to Value limits subject to credit review to meet program requirements.

Owner Occupied Second Mortgage: Single Family Residence

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Interest Rate APR
Up to 10 years b 80% 10.000% 10.495%
Up to 15 years c 80% 10.500% 10.870%

Home Equity Line First Mortgage

Max Loan amount $500,000, No Loan Origination Fee. Current Prime Rate: 7.500%

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Base Interest Rate Rate Floor Rate Ceiling
7 year draw 80% Prime + 0.25% 5.00% 15.00%

Home Equity Line Second Mortgage

Max Loan amount $300,000, No Loan Origination Fee. Current Prime Rate: 7.500%

Loan Term Max Loan to Value Base Interest Rate Rate Floor Rate Ceiling
7 year draw 80% Prime + 0.75% 5.00% 15.00%



Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $200,000 and a minimum credit score of 700.
The monthly payment in this example is $1,940.28, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $830.06, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.


Assumes a 20% down payment on a loan amount of $50,000 and a minimum credit score of 740.
The monthly payment in this example is $552.70, which could change if reserves are held for insurance and/or taxes. Other risk based pricing factors may also affect the payment and APR.

 MVFCU NMLS# 418470

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